Friday 5 June 2015


This week has not been one where I pick up my camera much. It's been a teething week, Fionn is cutting his top two teeth to match the bottom pair he likes to show off with cheesy smiles and moany wails. We've had time in our magical looking overgrown garden but not to actually do any gardening. the perk of the week has been my new DAB radio so I can listen to Classic FM while I potter round the house. I think this week could border on being described as boring, 
The decorating continues however as can be seen in our half wallpapered no curtained livingroom. ever onward with that stuff.

Friday 29 May 2015


The decorating continues this week with me trying to decide whether to put a bold colour on the staircase or not and visits from my Sister and American Nephew. Dad has been showing them the finer points of England and we tagged along when it didn't mean a 3 hour journey across country. Enjoy signets, samples and general english quaintness. 

Friday 22 May 2015

My Week In Photographs

Featuring gel nail polish I'm not paying to get taken off, Ella's Kitchen beetroot muffins, future hobbies and lots of Fionn.

Friday 15 May 2015

Photographing My Everyday

There are so many photographers out there, each have differing levels of ability and a variety of styles. It can become overwhelming to even think about adding more photographs to the enormous amount already out there. On top of this my studies have helped and hindered me equally as I look at  photographers whose works are far beyond my ability and creativity. I look at how they became so great and I feel that it's impossible for me to do what they did. I'm a student, my husband is about to become a student again, we have a little boy and a house that needs work put into it. I have projects and weddings to do, everyday household chores to attend to, how do I become the photographer I want to be under these circumstances.

My answer is to start taking pictures again. everyday. Starting today.

and to tell myself not to be intimidated by what others are creating, just create.

Bernard & Kiera Wedding

Some of my favourite shots from a day filled with love, friendship and paper hearts.